The Holy Word of God
We centre our lives on the Bible, which we believe is the definitive resource God has provided to reveal His character and will for all mankind. Our prayer and ultimate goal is to live lives that please and glorify Him. Jesus Christ offers forgiveness and salvation to those who seek it, and in turn it is our responsibility to reflect Him in all our actions, words and deeds.
Regular Studies
Some of these studies are streamed online.
Please email us at [email protected] for details if you would like to join us online.

Thursday Bible Study (online)
7:45pm - 9:30pm, weekly
Various themes are covered from the richness of God's Word.

Wednesday Young Adults Night
7:30pm start, fortnightly
A time where young adults grow in the likeness of Christ by serving and learning from each other.

Friday Youth Night
7:30pm - 9:00pm, fortnightly
Youth are encouraged to come and learn more about what it means to follow Jesus.